Legal Training Method

LCIT's Legal Training Methods

In Germany and Japan, practical legal training more closely approaches the American training model. These "law centres," i.e., the courts, provide practical legal training. Modern law students are more serious about the training part, and the Bar Council of India is dedicated to promoting clinical legal education in law colleges. Accordingly, we are focusing on the clinical aspect of legal studies, and the following are the same steps taken by us:

Clinical Method of Teaching:

A law student must comprehend the law not just as it is written in the books but also in the context of society, politics, and science. To comprehend and analyse the law in all of its forms, it is essential to study these Social Sciences at the same time as law. The student must be prepared to comprehend and respond to real-life events, or "law in action".

The Department of Legal Studies supports the application of knowledge, talent, and values to foster competency with integrity. The competence of the profession is the competence necessary for client-centred behaviour. Therefore, mental habits that enable a practitioner to be alert, interested, self-aware, and eager to detect and fix mistakes are crucial to competence. Competence is the capacity to carry out a duty within the bounds of the law and the pursuit of justice. Both classroom and outside-the-classroom teaching strategies are focused on helping pupils acquire these abilities.

Legal Clinics:

A well-established technique for teaching law is through clinics. The clinic is at the Department of Legal Studies at the LCIT School of Commerce and Science.

Simulation Clinics

Simulation clinics that simulate real-world situations will teach students about the workings of the judicial system. The book contains a thorough analysis of a specific fictitious situation. situations in which the students must come up with workable answers to a legal dilemma. These tasks will be associated with the subjects and areas of study.

In-house Clinic

Students participate in a conversation about a real case with facts in an in-house clinic. In a classroom, the case scenario is often performed, followed by a debate on the recognition of legal difficulties and tenable solutions.

Outhouse Clinic

Students are encouraged to practise as solicitors outside of class. These clinics are run by several organisations outside the College campus. NGOs and legal service bodies are the most preferred partners for engagement with outside clinics. Through these organisations, the students get the chance to encounter actual issues, form their own opinions, and come up with solutions using the legal information they have learned.

Moot Courts

Moot court simulates hearings before an appeals court, arbitral panel, or organisation that settles disputes internationally. These are not the same as mock trials, which mimic jury or bench trials. Moot court is primarily concerned with applying the law to a shared set of evidentiary assumptions, facts, and clarifications or corrections to which the contestants are exposed. It does not entail real witness testimony, cross-examination, or the presentation of evidence. Although not moots in the conventional sense, role-playing contests like the Jean-Pictet in the past and current alternative conflict resolution competitions that emphasise mediation and bargaining have also been labelled as moot competitions.

Moot court is one of the main legal clinical activities in many law schools across the globe, along with law review and clinical practise. Depending on the competition, students may prepare their written submissions or memorials over the course of one semester, practise their oral arguments over the course of another semester, or prepare both in a matter of weeks.


The goal of negotiation is to find common ground between two or more parties in order to fulfil varying interests, obtain an advantage for one party or all parties, or settle disagreements. The parties want to reach a consensus on issues of shared interest. The deal may be advantageous to all or some of the participants. To improve their prospects of concluding transactions, preventing disputes, developing connections with other parties, or maximising joint benefits, the negotiators should identify their own needs and goals while also attempting to understand those of those involved. Distributive discussions, also known as compromises, are carried out by presenting a stance and offering concessions in order to reach an understanding. The effectiveness of a negotiation is greatly influenced by how much the parties trust one another to carry out the agreed-upon agreement.

LCIT Department of Legal Studies

Near High Court, Raipur Road
Bodri, Bilaspur
Chhattisgarh, India
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