Legal Aid and Services

LCIT's Legal Aid and Services

The Legal Aid and Services program at LCIT's Department of Legal Studies is dedicated to making a positive impact on society by extending legal assistance to those in need. We believe that access to justice is a fundamental right, and our students actively engage in community service through this initiative.

Our committed faculty and enthusiastic students collaborate to provide free legal aid and advice to underprivileged individuals who might otherwise be unable to afford legal representation. Through partnerships with local NGOs, government agencies, and community centers, we address a wide range of legal issues, from civil rights to family law matters.

The program serves a dual purpose: it offers practical experience to our students, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, while simultaneously contributing to the well-being of our communities. Through workshops, legal clinics, and awareness campaigns, we strive to empower individuals with legal knowledge and support their rights.

At LCIT, we believe that social responsibility is an integral part of legal education. Our Legal Aid and Services program reflects our commitment to producing not only competent legal professionals but also compassionate individuals who actively contribute to the betterment of society.

LCIT Department of Legal Studies

Near High Court, Raipur Road
Bodri, Bilaspur
Chhattisgarh, India
Pin: 495220

Contact No.: 9630052722, 9522220131
Web URL:

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